Dr. Gottlieb practices forensic and family psychology in Dallas, Texas. He is Board Certified in Family Psychology [American Board of Professional Psychology] and is a Fellow of the American Psychology/Law Society as well as four other divisions of the American Psychological Association. He is a Clinical Professor at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, where he teaches professional ethics, and an Honorary Clinical Professor at Texas Woman's University.
An active scholar, Dr. Gottlieb writes on applied ethics and the psychology/law interface. He has written or co-written over fifty peer reviewed articles and book chapters, presented over eighty original papers, and offered more than 100 professional workshops locally, nationally, and internationally. He has received over thirty awards for his professional accomplishments and service, and sits on the Editorial Board of seven scholarly journals. He was an Associate Editor of the (2011) two-volume, APA Handbook of Ethics in Psychology.
He is a Past-President of the Dallas and Texas Psychological Associations, The American Board of Family Psychology and The Academy of Family Psychology. Also, he completed terms on the American Psychological Association's: Ethics Committee; Committee on Professional Practice and Standards; and two terms on the Council of Representatives (Board of Directors).
Recently, he has made presentations to The Center for American and International Law, The State Bars of California and Texas, the National Judicial Institute of Canada, and two ABA/APA National Conferences on Children and the Law.
Education, Training & Credentials
Dr. Gottlieb holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from Texas Tech University with an internship at the V.A. Health Care System in Palo Alto, CA. He subsequently received post-doctoral training in marriage and family therapy.
He is licensed to practice at the independent level in Texas and is listed in the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology. In 1991, he became Board Certified in Family Psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology and in 2000 was elected a Fellow of the American Psychology/Law Society based on his scholarly accomplishments.
Dr. Gottlieb has extensive experience as a forensic psychologist in both criminal and civil matters. He has consulted or been admitted as an expert in fifteen different states, four federal jurisdictions, and various state and federal administrative courts.
Unlike many other forensic consultants, Dr. Gottlieb maintains a clinical practice in Dallas, TX where he treats couples and families regarding relational disorders. Being a general practitioner, he has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating a wide variety of mental and emotional illnesses.
Though his focus is more on clinical work than scholarly research, Dr. Gottlieb has maintained an active publication record for thirty years. Among other topics, he has written on sexual misconduct, ethical decision making for mental health practitioners and risk management. He has been recognized frequently for his contributions and is often cited by other scholars; his work has been incorporated into the curricula of professional preparation programs across the country.
Teaching and Workshops
During the course of his career, Dr. Gottlieb has taught at eight universities across the nation. Currently, he is a Clinical Professor at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, where he teaches professional ethics and Family Systems Therapy. He is also an Honorary Clinical Professor at Texas Woman's University where he has played a variety of roles. He is a regular lecturer at The University of Texas, Dallas and The University of North Texas where he speaks on Forensic Psychology and ethical issues.
Dr. Gottlieb has offered over one hundred professional workshops locally, nationally and internationally. A sought after speaker, he brings energy, optimism and enthusiasm to his lectures that have won him rave reviews. Recently, he has made presentations to the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, the Family Law Section of the American Bar Association, the State Bar of California, the National Judicial Institute of Canada, and the ABA/APA National Conference on Children and the Law. Internationally, he has lectured, presented papers and offered workshops [in Spanish] in Spain, Chile and Mexico.
Professional Activities
Dr. Gottlieb has been involved in leadership positions of both state and national professional organizations. Nationally, he served two terms on the APA Council of Representatives [Board of Directors] and terms on its Ethics Committee and Committee on Professional Practice and Standards. He also served on the Board of Directors of the American Board of Professional Psychology.
At the state and local levels, he was President of both the Texas and Dallas Psychological Associations. He is a pro bono consultant to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists regarding complaints involving legal matters.